Why don't I see the update available in the plugins area?

WP Courseware will check in with our license server to ensure that your license is active and valid. If the license is active and valid, the update will be available in the Installed Plugins screen of your WordPress admin panel. You can then update at your own discretion. The WordPress update checker is on a 12-hour interval, so you may not see the update immediately when we release it. 

NOTE: It's always best practice to create a backup of your WordPress site (site files and database) before updating themes and plugins. It's likely that your WordPress hosting company includes some type of automated backup process, however, it's worth taking some time to put a process in place to create and store your own backups. If you need help getting started, we recommend taking a look at Backup Buddy from our friends at iThemes.

You can force WP Courseware to check for an update by performing the following:

  1. Click on WP Courseware→Settings
  2. Click on the WP Courseware icon in the upper left hand corner. This will delete the update transient cache and force WP Courseware to check if an update is available.
  3. Navigate to Dashboard→Updates, and update the plugin. 

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