How do I charge for my course in installment payments?

You can now offer an installment plan alongside the one-time payment plan or recurring subscription. On the front end, you will see a one time purchase button and the installment button next to it.

To configure installments:

  1. Click Payments in the course settings area.
  2. Enter the price for one-time payment.
  3. Select the One-Time Purchase option.
  4. Next click the Yes radio Installments Enabled option.
  5. Enter the number of installments. The value must be 2 or greater. *
  6. Enter the Amount for each installment.
  7. Select the Installment Interval.

[NOTE] - If you are using PayPal standard for checkout and you plan on offering a discount code, the number of installments must be equal or greater than 3. Unfortunately this is a limitation of PayPal.

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