How do I accept payments through Stripe with WP Courseware?
To configure Stripe, you will need to ensure you that you already have a Stripe account. To enable and configure the Stripe payment gateway you will need to perform the following steps:
- Click on WP Courseware→Settings
- Click the Checkout tab
- Click the Payment Gateways sub menu item
- Click on Stripe
- First tick the Enable Stripe checkbox
- The title will display on the checkout page. This is the title of the payment gateway label which helps to identify the payment gateway method, incase you have 2 gateways enabled. It's probably a good idea to label it PayPal.
- The description will show just below the title.
Next you will need to determine if you will be using Stripe in test mode or live mode. To use Stripe test mode, simply tick the box for Test Mode. If you are using Stripe test mode, you don't need to have an SSL certificate on your site. However, once you disable Test Mode, then you will be required to have an SSL certificate to complete transactions on your website.
To find your Publishable & Secret Key:
- Login to your Stripe account.
- Click on Developers.
- Click on API Keys.
- Copy your Publishable & Secret Key into the appropriate fields.
To find your Test Publishable & Secret Key
- Login to your Stripe account.
- Toggle the View Test Data slider on the lower left hand corner.
- Click on Developers.
- Click on API Keys.
- Copy your Test Publishable & Secret Key into the appropriate fields.
The Webhook is required so that your site can receive notifications on charge statuses. To configure your webhook:
- Copy the webhook from the Stripe settings page onto your clipboard
Next login to your Stripe account.
If you are going to be using test mode, be sure to toggle test mode. Otherwise proceed to the next step.
Navigate to Developers→Webhooks.
Click the + Add endpoint button.
Paste the URL in the URL to be called text field.
Click Add endpoint button
Stripe Checkout is basically a popup credit card form opposed to the default on page credit card form. This is optional, but can be configured to be used instead of the default on page credit card form. To enable Stripe Checkout simply tick the Stripe Checkout checkbox. The Checkout Image is a 128px x 128px image that will display on the popup form. The Checkout Description will also display on the popup checkout form.
The final 3 settings for Stripe are as follows:
- The inline credit card form displays a single text box where the student can enter the credit card number, expiration and CVC code. If this is not enabled, there would be three separate input boxes.
- The statement descriptor will show up on the customers statement. The descriptor can be up to 22 characters long and will display in all CAPS.
- If you enable logging, you can log data returned from Stripe. You can view the logs by clicking on WP Courseware→Tools and then clicking the System Log tab.