How can I change the look and feel of a page layout?
WP Courseware contains many templated elements like pages, email notifications, login and registration forms, and even notifications. These templates are totally customizable if you know a little PHP and HTML. They are also engineered so that they don't get overwritten when you do a plugin update.
If you have FTP access to your website and you navigate to the wp-content/plugins/wp-courseware/templates folder, you will notice there are many templates. Each one of the templates can be modified to accommodate the desired look and feel.
This tutorial does not instruct on adding code, but it will cover the steps necessary to customize your templates. To customize a template, simply follow these steps.
- Login to your site via FTP (file transfer protocol)
- Navigate to the wp-content/plugins/wp-courseware/templates folder
- Find the template that you will be customizing
- Select the file and download it locally to your computer
- Open the file up with a text editor. There are various free text editors for both Windows and Mac. Notepadd++ is free for Windows users and Text Wrangler is free for Mac users.
- Modify the file using PHP and HTML
- Now open up FTP once again and navigate to wp-content/themes
- Find your current active theme's folder and click into the folder
- Create a new folder and name it wp-courseware
- Depending on which template you will be uploading, you will need to ensure that the folder structure in the new wp-courseware folder, matches the folder structure in the wp-content/plugins/wp-courseware/templates folder. For example, if you the admin-cancelled-order.php file from the wp-content/plugins/wp-courseware/templates/emails folder, you would need to create an emails folder in the wp-courseware folder so that your folder structure looks like this: wp-content/themes/YOUR_CURRENT_ACTIVE_THEME_OR_CHILD_THEME/wp-courseware/emails.
- Upload your new template
- Test to make sure your template works properly
[TIP] - It is recommended that you use a child theme so that the template files aren't deleted when you update your theme. To learn more about child themes check out this article.