Changing over from a third party membership plugin or ecommerce plugin

WP Courseware 4.3 introduces the shopping cart and payment gateway solution which brings up many questions. This article will address a few questions you may have along with a basic process on how to migrate from your current payment solution to the native WP Courseware shopping cart and payment gateway solution.

Q: Do I still need my membership plugin if I'm going to use WP Courseware to sell courses?
A: This all depends on what you are trying to accomplish. The simple way to determine this is to determine if you are only going to be selling courses. If that is the case, then you don't need your current membership plugin. If you are selling membership levels that grant access to pages, posts or other digital assets, then you will need to keep you membership solution. WP Courseware is only engineered to sell and protect courses.

Q: What payment gateways does WP Courseware support?
A: WP Courseware currently supports PayPal Standard and Stripe (and Stripe Checkout).

Q: What payment options are available with WP Courseware?
A: Currently WP Courseware courses can be offered individually for free, for a set price or as a subscription. Currently course bundling is not available. Also, one of the limitations of PayPal is that you can only purchase one product at a time.

Q: What happens if I upgrade to WP Courseware 4.3 and I already have a membership or ecommerce plugin installed?
A: WP Courseware will not activate the payment gateways by default. That said, there is also logic built in to determine what is already in place and will not auto generate the shopping cart checkout pages if certain criteria is met. For more information about which plugins will be detected upon install, read this article. To simplify, upgrading will not change anything you currently have installed. At worst, there will be some pages that will get auto generated, and at best nothing will happen. In order to use the native shopping cart, the checkout pages, account page and payment gateways need to be configured.

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