How can I import quiz questions to the question pool?
- Click on WP Courseware →Tools
- Click on the Import tab and click the Quiz Questions submenu item.
- If you scroll down to the bottom of the screen, you will see an option to download an example CSV file. Save this file to your local machine.
- Open the example CSV file ( wpcw-import-quiz-questions-sample.csv) and you will see one sample row for each WP Courseware question type, as well as the available variables for each question type.
- Modify the CSV file as needed for all of the questions you wish to import, paying close attention to the ' question_type' and other variables. This is an important step so that you don't have to go back and manually edit the questions later.
Some tips for importing quiz questions via CSV file:
Valid question types that can be used for import:
- multi (to create multiple choice questions)
- truefalse (to create true/false questions)
- open (to create open ended questions)
- upload (to create file/assignment upload questions)
For multi type questions:
- Separate possible answers with a '|"
- Separate correct answers with a "|"
- The "possible_answers" column is used only for this question type
For truefalse questions:
- Answer must be TRUE or FALSE
For open questions:
- Do not provide a correct answer
- Provide an answer_type
- Valid answer_type values include
- single_line (one line of text in the answer field)
- small_textarea (about 4 lines of text in the answer field)
- medium_textarea (about 8 lines of text in the answer field)
- large_textarea (about 15 lines of text in the answer field)
For upload questions:
- Do not provide a correct answer
- Be sure to include file extensions (.doc, .jpg, etc.)
- Comma separate acceptable file extensions
Tags will need to be comma separated
Once your CSV file has been edited and saved, return to the Import Quiz Questions screen.
Select " Choose File" and locate the CSV file from your local machine.
Click the blue Import Questions button.
You will then receive a report that your file was uploaded and questions were added successfully. If there were any errors during the formatting of your CSV file you will receive a message that the import was not successful. In this case, check your CSV file for any formatting errors before attempting to upload again.
You can now view your questions from the Question Pool screen and will also be able to add them to new or existing quizzes by going to the Manage Questions tab and Add Questions from Pool.