How do I use the Course Outline shortcode?

The Course Outline shortcode is a great way to give a preview of your course to users who have not yet enrolled. It will display the title of each unit with in the module but the title of the unit will not be "clickable". Once the user has registered and enrolled as a student, the course outline will be come active and the student will then be able to click on course units.

To create a course outline:

  1. Create a page or post by navigating to Posts→Add New for a post or Pages→Add New for a page
  2. Give your page or post a title
  3. Insert the course outline shortcode [wpcourse]

Shortcode parameters:

  • course (Required) The ID of the course to show.
  • show_title (Optional) If true, show the course title. (It can be true or false, by default, it's false)
  • show_desc (Optional) If true, show the course description. (It can be true or false, by default, it's false)
  • module (Optional) The number of the module to show from the specified course
  • module_desc (Optional) If true, show the module descriptions. (It can be true or false, by default, it's false)

Examples of shortcodes:

  • Example 1:
    [wpcourse course="2" /]
    Shows course 2
  • Example 2:
    [wpcourse course="1" module="4" module_desc="true" /]
    Shows module 4 from course 1, with module titles and descriptions, and unit titles.
  • Example 3:
    [wpcourse course="1" module_desc="true" show_title="true" show_desc="true" /]
    Shows course 1, with course title, course description, module title, module description and unit titles.

[NOTE] - A student must be enrolled in the course specified in the shortcode in order to click on the units, otherwise the units will not be "clickable".

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