How do I create a survey in WP Courseware?

A survey allows you to collect feedback or information from your students without setting any scoring requirements for the questions you create. Students are able to very simply answer questions and the instructor can collect feedback from students via CSV export.

This WP Courseware help article contains three (3) main topics:

  • Creating a new survey
  • Placing your survey
  • Accessing the survey results


To add a new WP Courseware survey, navigate to Training CoursesAdd Quiz Survey

General Settings Tab

In the “General Settings” tab, enter a “Quiz Title” (required), “Quiz/Survey Description” (optional), and the “Quiz Type” should be set to “Survey Mode”

Click the blue “Save All Quiz Settings & Questions” button as this opens new options when the survey mode is set

Quiz Behavior Settings Tab

Show Responses

The "Show Survey Responses?" (required) option allows you to choose whether or not you would like students to be able to return to a course unit in which a survey was presented and view their past responses to a survey.

Selecting "Show Responses" will leave a student's survey responses available within a course unit so that when they return to that unit at a later time, past responses can be viewed.

Selecting "No Responses" will remove a student's survey responses from a course unit once they have been submitted.

Paginate Questions

In the “Paginate Questions” field (required), select whether or not you want students to be presented with one survey question at a time (“Use Paging”) or all questions at once (“No Paging”).

Use Paging

If “Use Paging” is selected, three (3) sub-options are presented:

Choose whether or not you want to “Allow Review Before Final Submission”. If you choose this option, students will be presented with an editable list of their answers prior to survey submission.

Choose whether or not you want to “Allow Students to Answer Later” as they move through the paginated survey. If this option is selected, a student is presented with an “Answer Later” button on each question and can answer that question at the end of the survey. All skipped questions are then displayed at the end of the survey according to their initial order within the survey.

Choose whether or not you want to “Allow Navigation to Previous Questions”. In all paginated surveys, a “Next Question” button is presented, however, if this option is selected the student is also presented with a “Previous Question” button and they will be allowed to move backward through the questions.

Result Settings Tab

Show Results by Tag

If the "Show Results by Tag" option is selected, students will be able to review their survey results according to any tags associated with the questions included in the survey.

Manage Questions Tab

The “Manage Questions” tab is where you will actually add questions to your survey. There are several tools for adding questions to your survey.

Adding Multiple Choice Questions

The “Add Multiple Choice” question option allows you to add a question which provides multiple answers for students to choose from. There are several settings when creating a multiple choice question type.

First, in the “Question” field, you will add the actual question.

The next field is the “Question Image URL” field. This field will allow you to add an image to the question itself by either selecting an image from your WordPress media library or by providing a URL to an image off-site.

Next is the “Randomize Answers” field (optional). This would be used in the case where you may want to create a large number of answers and have them randomly presented. If you select this option, you are required to choose the number of answers you would prefer to have displayed. For example, you may have 20 answers and you only want 5 of them randomly displayed. 

You have the option to provide answers. By default, 3 answer fields are provided, but more can be added by using the “+” button next to each answer. Additionally, answers can be deleted by using the “-” button. Each answer allows you to provide text as well as an image, if required.

A “Hint” field is then available if you would like to provide any additional information to your students. This will display on the front-end survey UI.

Question tags may be added to questions within the question as well. These can be used for adding random questions from the question pool.

Adding True/False Questions

True/False questions are not available in survey mode.

Adding Open Ended Questions

The “Add Open Ended Question” option allows you to create a question type which requires basic text entry from your student. This text entry is passed directly to the survey results and is available for download via CSV.

First, in the “Question” field, you will add the actual question.

The next field is the “Question Image URL” field. This field will allow you to add an image to the question itself by either selecting an image from your WordPress media library or by providing a URL to an image off-site.

The “Size of box for user to type answer?” field allows you to choose a default size for the text entry box presented to the user. This field can be used as a guide to the student as to the amount of input you expect.

A “Hint” field is then available if you would like to provide any additional information to your students. This will display on the front-end survey UI.

Question tags may be added to questions within the question as well. These can be used for adding random questions from the question pool.

Adding File Upload Questions

The “Add File Upload Question” option allows you to require that a student upload a file to answer the question. Required file types may be selected, as described below.

First, in the “Question” field, you will add the actual question

The next field is the “Question Image URL” field. This field will allow you to add an image to the question itself by either selecting an image from your WordPress media library or by providing a URL to an image off-site.

The “Permitted file extensions?” field is where you will select the file types you permit your students to upload. Simply include the file extension (ie. pdf) without the preceding dot “.” and if multiple file types are permitted, follow each with a comma “,”. The student will not be permitted to upload file types not included here.

A “Hint” field is then available if you would like to provide any additional information to your students. This will display on the front-end survey UI.

Question tags may be added to questions within the question as well. These can be used for adding random questions from the question pool.

Adding Questions from the Question Pool

Choosing “Add Questions from Pool” opens a window which displays all currently saved questions within the question pool. Any time a question is created and saved, it is added to the question pool for easy use in quizzes or surveys.

After clicking on “Add Questions from Pool”, a new window will open. Simply click “Add to Quiz” for any questions you would like to place from the question pool.

When finished adding questions, click the “x” button in the upper right-hand corner of the “Insert Questions” screen.

Adding Random Questions

Choosing “Add Random Questions” opens a window which allows you to choose from two separate randomized question selection options.

The first option is to “Randomly Select from Entire Quiz Pool”. This options allows you to select a specific number of questions from across the entire question pool, regardless of the question tag.

The second option is to “Randomly Select using Question Tags”. This options allows you to select a specific number of questions from each question tag. There is a “Select” option which allows you to choose the quantity from a tag and then a drop down tag field to choose the tag. Selecting the “Add Another” option allows you to create a new selection from a separate tag.

Finally, select “Insert Random Question Selection” once you have finalized your choices.


Now that your survey has been created, you need to place it within a course unit.

Navigate to “Training Courses” under the WP Courseware menu.

Navigate to the “Modules, Units, and Quiz Ordering” button on the right-hand side of the training courses listing.

In the “Unassigned Quizzes” meta box on the right-hand side of the “Order Course Modules and Units” screen, scroll to your recently created survey and drag it into the appropriate unit.

You will be prompted to save changes at the bottom of the screen. Click “Save Changes to Ordering”.


At any point, an administrator can access the currently submitted survey results for a survey.

Navigate to Training Courses-->Quiz Summary

Find your survey in the "Quiz Summary" listing screen

On the right-hand side of your screen, you will see a button labeled "Export Responses"

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